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Information regarding Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zaraničnej banky according to the NBS Decree no. 16/2014 on disclosure of information by banks and branches of foreign banks.
Pursuant to the NBS Decree no. 16/2014 on the disclosure of information by banks and branches of foreign banks ("NBS Decree"), the bank and branch of a foreign bank is obliged to publish information to the extent specified in the NBS Decree. Bank and branch of a foreign bank publish individual information quarterly and annually, as described in the NBS Decree.
Information pursuant to the NBS Decree is published by Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zaraničnej banky within the extent set forth in Article 1 par. 1 and 3 of the NBS Decree.
Information published by the bank in accordance with Article 1 ods. Par. 1 and 3 of the NBS Decree:
Effective from December 30, 2010 eligible depositors of Citibank Europe plc, conducting its business activity in the Slovak Republic through Citibank Europe plc, pobočka zahraničnejbanky are covered by the Irish deposit protection system.
Irish system of deposit protection covers € 100.000. For more information please seethe attached document.
Effective from September 1, 2010 assets of eligible depositors acquired by Citibank Europe plc, conducting its business activity in the Slovak Republic through Citibank Europeplc, pobočka zahraničnej banky shall be protected in accordance with the rules of the IrishInvestor Protection Scheme. For more information please see the document attached here in below.