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International Personal Bank U.S.

Portfolio-Based Lending

Maximize the value of your diversified portfolio with our credit products.

Through Portfolio-Based Lending, you can leverage your Citi relationship to take advantage of strategic opportunities or address financial needs that may arise.

Leverage by using your diversified portfolio

Portfolio-Based Lending allows you to borrow against your diversified portfolio, while keeping your investment strategy in place.

Purpose Loans1

Non-Purpose Loans1

Used for:

For purchasing securities

For purposes other than the purchase of securities

Provided by:

Either by Citibank, N.A. or by Pershing LLC through Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Either by Citibank, N.A. or by Pershing LLC through Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Assets in your Citibank deposit account(s), and securities held in their brokerage account(s) at Citi's affiliates, can be pledged and used as collateral for your loan.

Qualified clients can borrow U.S. dollar funds against a range of financial assets, including:

  • Cash and cash equivalents
  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Exchange trade Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) shares
  • Structured Notes (distributed by Citi)
  • Mutual Funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • American Depository Receipt (ADRs)
  • No origination fees
  • Investment returns and interest: The return on your investments serving as collateral for a securities–based credit product may be less than the interest and other costs that you incur. For example, customers who sell stock short typically believe the price of the stock will fall and hope to buy the stock at the lower price and make a profit. If the price of the stock rises, short sellers who buy it at the higher price will incur a loss equal to the price difference plus the interest accrued on the borrowed securities. The potential for loss is significant
  • Collateral: Securities–based credit products, as described above, are secured by assets held by a  brokerage account. It is important to understand that using your securities as collateral for borrowing can have adverse consequences. A lien will be placed on assets held by account  and, upon an uncured event of default, the Clearing Firm or Citibank N.A., depending on the type of loan, has the right to sell those assets. Moreover, if securities used as collateral decline in value below a minimum level, you may be required to deposit additional cash or securities. If you cannot do so, all or a portion of your collateral could be liquidated without further notice to you. Citibank N.A. or the Clearing Firm, in its sole discretion, can select the securities to be liquidated. A forced liquidation could create tax consequences
  • Borrowing tends to magnify the risks associated with an investment or investment strategy; the borrower not only faces potential investment losses but is also required to repay the amount borrowed at interest, repurchase securities sold short and/or fulfill its obligations under short options. As a result, borrowing can lead to greater returns and losses relative to the cash value of an account and increased volatility compared to non–leveraged investments or strategies

1All credit products are subject to credit approval.

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