Purpose and Non–Purpose Loans are provided either by Citibank, N.A. or by Pershing LLC through Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Subject to Credit approval and certain Anti-Money Lending (AML) requirements, Portfolio-Based Lending can be extended to individuals, Personal Investment Company (PIC) or Personal Investment Legal Vehicle (PILV) with an IPB U.S. checking account or Demand Deposit Account and a diversified portfolio. Some jurisdictions may differ in their requirements for Portfolio-Based Lending products.
Portfolio Based Lending may not be appropriate or in the best interest for every client. An investment strategy tied to the portfolio exposes the investors to additional costs, increased risks, and potential losses in excess of the amount deposited. The risk of loss in financing a transaction by deposit of collateral is significant. You may sustain losses in excess of your cash and any other assets deposited as collateral with the impossible to execute contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "stop-limit" orders. You may be called upon at short notice to make additional margin deposits or interest payments. If the required margin deposits or interest payments are not made within the prescribed time, your collateral may be liquidated without your consent. Moreover, you will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account and interest charged on your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such a financing arrangement is suitable and in your best interest, in light of your own investment profile including, but not limited to, your financial position and investment objectives. You are not entitled to choose which securities or other assets in your account(s) are liquidated or sold to meet a margin call. Portfolio-Based Lending Regulation U Purpose Loans proceeds cannot be used for taking short positions in the investment account.
The firm can increase its margin requirements at any time and is not required to provide you advance written notice. You are not entitled to an extension of time on a margin call. Citi has the right to demand repayment of a demand facility at any time, for any reason or no reason.
Certain products mentioned may contain provisions that refer to a reference or benchmark rate which may change, cease to be published or be in customary market usage, become unavailable, have its use restricted and/or be calculated in a different way. As a result, those reference or benchmark rates that are the subject of such changes may cease to be appropriate for the products mentioned. We encourage you to keep up to date with the latest industry developments in relation to benchmark transitioning and to consider its impact on your business. You should consider, and continue to keep under review, the potential impact of benchmark transitioning on any existing product you have with International Personal Bank U.S. (IPB U.S.), or any new product you enter into with Citi. Citi does not provide advice or recommendations on the suitability of your product choice including with respect to any benchmark transitioning on any existing product you have with Citi. You should obtain professional independent advice (legal, financial or otherwise) in respect of the suitability of your products in light of benchmark transitioning, as you consider necessary.
Regulation U is the Federal Reserve Board regulation that governs loans extended by banks secured by margin stock.
Credit products available through the Clearing Firm are subject to the requirements of Federal Reserve Regulation T ("Reg. T").
Portfolio Based Lending is also known as Margin & Securities Backed Finance (MSBF). Not all products are available in all jurisdictions or to all customers. Portfolio-Based Lending carry risks and are not suitable or in the best interest for all investors.
Transactions may be executed outside of your country and without any participation from any Citigroup or Citibank subsidiary, branch or affiliate in your country. Some products may not be registered with the Financial Regulatory body of your country governing such financial products, nor may they be governed or protected by the laws and regulations of your country. Products and services offered by Citi and its affiliates are subject to the applicable local laws and regulations of the jurisdiction where they are booked and offered. Not all accounts, products, and services as well as pricing are available in all jurisdictions or to all customers. Your country of citizenship, domicile, or residence may have laws, rules, and regulations that govern or affect your application for and use of our accounts, products, and services, including laws and regulations regarding taxes, exchange and/ or capital controls.