Citi's Direct Custody and Clearing provides asset servicing and transaction functions primarily to intermediaries such as broker-dealers and banks, and increasingly to fund managers, insurance companies and other global investors through our proprietary network in over 60 markets. The scale of this network, provided through our own offices and staffed with Citi experts in each market, sets Citi apart from the competition.
Through our proprietary network, Citi Direct Custody and Clearing delivers the highest standards of technology and processes, as well as a level of expertise, quality and consistency that is unmatched. Additionally, the market knowledge and relationships created by such a widespread local presence enable Citi to develop new industry solutions and help lead the process of change in the securities marketplace.
Our clients benefit from:
Citi is the industry's premier custodian of cross-border assets, top ranked global clearer and recognized leader in depositary receipt services, and agency and trust services. The local presence of Citi, supported globally by Regional Service Centers, ensures clients of consistent transaction processing worldwide, proprietary control of clearing cycles and reduced risk in all cross-border securities transactions.
With a global leadership position in virtually every market served, Securities Services offers corporate and institutional clients the full spectrum of custody, trust and safekeeping services. Citibank is capable of handling end-to-end transactions on a global scale that few financial institutions can match. We have been consistently recognized for our excellent execution, global consistency and local market expertise.
Citibank's core custody product offers a range of services which include safekeeping, settlement, cash processing, income collection and corporate actions, proxy voting services and market information.
Citibank was the first foreign bank to offer custody services in Pakistan. We offer a full range of services under our core custody product with the capability of offering value-added services such as Escrow and Depository Services. Citibank's execution capabilities cover a broad range of financial instruments, which includes equities, corporate, and government bonds and money market instruments. We have experience of operating in both the physical and scrip less environment and have consistently demonstrated our ability to service the client's needs by maintaining high service standards.
We have a highly experienced team of professionals with strong local market expertise and skills who have extensive experience in dealing with local market participants such as brokers, companies, and regulatory bodies such as the stock exchange and the central depository.
Citibank has played a major role towards the development of a condusive framework to facilitate foreign portfolio investment through its close interaction with different regulatory bodies.
The bank was rated as 'Commended' with the highest scores in the Global Custodian Survey (Industry Benchmark) for 2013 for its service excellence.