Our Corporate Sales & Derivatives Marketing (CSDM) desk caters directly to the foreign exchange needs of our corporate clients. The elimination of the relationship manager as intermediary between corporate customers and the treasury desk, results in quicker turnaround time, accurate price quotes while handling their FX flows and greater access to market information and research for customers. Moreover, CSDM dealers, structure customized solutions for clients, based on their individual hedging needs, as well as managing risk for them. Citibank also has the distinction of being one of the first two banks that was officially licensed by the State Bank of Pakistan as an "Authorized Derivatives Dealer", which allows the CSDM unit to engage in derivative transactions within certain specifications, without obtaining prior approval from the State Bank of Pakistan.
The derivatives business has the distinction of having executed the first and largest Quanto Swap along with the largest Cross Currency Swap in Pakistan. On the Foreign Exchange Options front, CSDM is a pioneer and has executed transactions for major multinational and local corporate entities all over the country and also executed the largest deal in Pakistan. Additionally, it also executed the first Oil Commodity Hedge for the national carrier. Apart from the aforementioned products, we are also actively exploring options to start offering USD/PKR FX options and commodity linked transactions to our clients in the near future.
The CSDM desk also looks after all Fixed Income transactions related to our clients. The team has the ability to service all your demands for Government Securities, along with local currency bonds. Our Fixed Income Desk focuses on keeping its customers informed of all the opportunities and changes in the market; it offers the following services, which may assist you in managing your investment portfolio:
In addition to our 'industry firsts' in the Pakistani market, our Fixed Income desk also offers an extremely attractive product called, CitiFX Pulse, which is the first online currency trading platform, for G10 foreign exchange trading in Pakistan. This platform allows clients to view live rates in over two hundred and fifty (250) currency pairs with the ability to transact spot and forward deals. Through the system, our clients can also leave overnight orders and as well as price vanilla FX options.