Prime Minister’s Relief Fund for Gaza and Lebanon

Donations / Contributions for the PRIME MINISTER'S RELIEF FUND FOR GAZA AND LEBANON are accepted at Citibank N.A., Pakistan. Please note that the donations can be made through any of the below channels:

  • Cash deposits at Citi's counters
  • Deposit of crossed cheques in the name of the fund in Citi's drop boxes
  • Electronic payment via alternate delivery channels (kindly initiate this payment as “RTGS” via CitiDirect)

Account details for making the donations for the PRIME MINISTER'S RELIEF FUND FOR GAZA AND LEBANON are as follows:

  • IBAN: PK11SBPD0000001111114292

Overseas donners in any foreign jurisdiction may remit their donations by wire-transfer using the following beneficiary account details:

Description Details
Bank National Bank Pakistan
Branch NBP Main Branch,
NBP Head Office Building,
Talpur Road,
Title of Account PMRFGL
IBAN PK78NBPA0002004256629006

In case of any queries or complaints with regards to the donation process, please contact us at UAN 021-111-777-777.

Further details are available at the State Bank of Pakistan’s website at