Jaime Roblesgil, Citi Markets Head, Latin America

Jaime Roblesgil

Citi Markets Head, Latin America

Jaime Roblesgil joined Citibank Mexico in 1992 within the Derivatives area where he became a G7 & Eurodollar trader for the branch. He moved to New York in 1994 to join the EM Sales and Trading group as a trader and in 1998 became the EM Trading Head for the New York Hub. In 2004, Mr. Roblesgil moved back to Mexico to take responsibilities over Banamex’s Trading and Risk Treasury activities and in 2006 was promoted to Treasurer of Banamex. In 2010 he expanded his responsibilities to Head of Markets in Mexico, including Accival, Citi’s Mexican equity brokerage firm. In July 2011 he moved back to New York to assume his current role as Regional Markets Head for Latin America.

Mr. Roblesgil holds an MBA in Finance from Wharton School and a BA in Industrial Engineering from the Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey in Mexico.