Mid Year Report 2020

Investor Relations Citi Depositary Receipt Services is committed to providing issuers with expertise, resources and strategic concepts to support their IR program taking into account the unique situation of each company. We work together with the IR team to advise them on a strategy and activities to achieve their specific IR goals. Shifting markets, changing investor tactics and preferences and a fluctuating macro-economic environment create constant trials for IROs. Citi’s IR Advisory team is dedicated to offering clients the relevant knowledge that better enables them to navigate the changing IR landscape. Our goal is to support clients in building a comprehensive strategic IR program that delivers results while at the same time updating them on all the significant changes and new ideas that are pertinent to the IR profession and global best practice. CV-19 changed how we interacted with our clients in H1 2020 considerably. The IR profession was confronted with unprecedented challenges. Investors were clamoring for guidance IR could not provide right away, meetings were suddenly going online, connecting to the team and C-suite was difficult as colleagues were now all working in different locations and organizing a remote earning call added further complications. Citi’s IR Advisory team stayed in front of clients in these extraordinary times by sharing how their global counterparts were meeting these challenges as well as communicating the intelligence we could gather from investors. Our “IR Insight” — typically published monthly — became the tool to update our clients on global best practice; we started to publish it either weekly or biweekly. As we had to cancel all our scheduled events, we started offering hour-long webinars to address present-day topics, a practice that we want to continue and grow in the second half of 2020. 36