Family Leadership Strategies 2019 Spanish

1 Introducción: Liderazgo familiar, un imperativo universal 3 Motivaciones y necesidades discrepantes 9 Consideraciones especiales 21 Encontrar el terreno común 35 Enfrentar los desafíos y las oportunidades 45 Evitar modalidades de fracaso 59 Seis mejores prácticas para la sucesión 65 Roles de liderazgo familiar 79 Combinando todo 87 Apéndices 95 Contenido This is a Spanish translation of an English language document that has been prepared on a best-efforts basis. It is provided for your convenience and does not substitute or amend in any way the applicable document in English which is the only official version of this document. In the event of inconsistency between any of the terms of the English language document and this translation, the English version shall prevail. Nether Citibank/Citigroup nor any of their affiliates makes any representation as to the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of the translation, or accepts liability for any direct or consequential losses arising from its use. Please contact your Private Banker for a copy of the English language document.