Family Leadership Strategies

5 Introduction Family leadership, a universal imperative The challenges of effective leadership are not confined to the realms of business and politics, but are front and center for many of today’s affluent families. There are few things that trouble wealth creators as much as the question of how the next generation of family members will assume the mantle of leadership and contribute positively to business, society, culture, or politics. We find this to be a universal imperative for families, regardless of geography, culture, or religion. Similarly, many wealth inheritors — often in their 20s, 30s, and 40s — are keenly aware of the obligations of great wealth and the expectations of their families and society that they will lead meaningful and impactful lives. Indeed, many current wealth inheritors are driven to help solve fundamental social and economic issues, or create new companies, or perhaps even lead the family business or foundation. Regardless of an individual’s priorities, finding a path towards leadership in an affluent family can be highly challenging and requires careful preparation and execution. While different generations may disagree on how wealth inheritors should act upon their ambitions, there is always agreement on the need for effective family leadership. The notion that one can actively change the world for the